My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Crazy CrazyEgg

Crazyegg is site tool which tracks what your visitors click on. It gives you an inside look at where you visitors click and where they click the most.

They have three types of visualizations, to help you see what’s being clicked. You can view your results in Overlay, List and Heatmap. Overlay gives you details of each individual element. List is a summary of your “raw click data”. Heatmap, well Heatmap is pretty cool. It shows an hot and cold type of infrared style image. It shows you which areas are “hot” and which areas are “cold”. Very, very cool.

Heatmap list clicks Crazy egg 1

Give it a try. They have a free version. It will track up to 5,000 hits a month, and you can track up to 2 pages. Their Standard Plan is only $19 a month, and tracks up to 25,000 visits, and unlimited pages. Plus the Standard Plan has live updating whereas the free only updates every few hours.

Crazyegg should definitely be a tool in your SEO toolbox. Especially those of us using google ads, or any ads for that matter.
Check it out –

3 Responses to “Crazy CrazyEgg”

  1. I know this isn’t the place for it, but Todd, this blog looks amazing. It’s great. It’s superb. It’s so good looking. I need to go back to the drawing board and use your Web 2.0 graphic. Man, this is good. I’m not really surprised, but I’m really impressed. This is a great looking blog. Kudos to you. Kudos.

  2. Thanks for the kind words, Kaanon. It took me a couple of weekends to get this looking the way I wanted. If you look at the before and after shots you will see that I made only minor changes to the structure, but major ones to the graphics and overall look. Although there are some areas that I wish to improve, as with most sites, its an ongoing process.

  3. Todd you are AWESOME! I love the design you created on my blog. Thanks again xxxx