My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Category: Flash

Top Web Designer Resources!

November 27th, 2007

Here’s a great resource that has something for everyone. I thought I had come up with a pretty comprehensive design resource list when I posted Creative Alternatives and Resources. This is an amazing listing of links for designers and developers alike.

For Web Designers

From working with Ajax, to XHTML character references, the link list given on is pretty comprehensive. Some of these links you may have seen before, but alot are new to me. They even give you a link to suggest a link they may have missed. I have definitely bookmarked this site, you should too.

I’m sure you will find something useful – 332 helpful links for Web Designers

April 13th, 2006

If you visit this site, you will notice a radio at the top. This radio was built in flash utilizing Actionscript 2.0. It retrieves its playlist from an xml file generated daily via a php file.

soldier records radio

When you are in the “Music” section, Read the rest of this entry »