July 2nd, 2007
Got a few Pownce invites to give away. If you want one let me know in the comments. Are you on Pownce already? If so what do you like/dislike about it?
EDIT: I thought Pownce would take the place of Twitter. I use Twitter for those quick status updates. Sometimes I just want to post a quick blurb on whats going on, and Pownce just doesn’t seem the place. I’ll use Pownce for anything that requires a bit more thought or if I’m looking for conversation and replies. I have both Pownce and Twitter updates on my new blog now. 🙂

What is it?
Pownce is a way to send messages, files, links, and events to your friends. You’ll create a network of the people you know and then you can share stuff with all of them, just a few of them, or even just one other person really fast.

Here’s a screen of the desktop client. I think its pretty slick, especially since you can do everything from here that you can on the site. The main bonus I see for Pownce is that you can send files.

Posted in Design, Reviews | 12 Comments »
June 11th, 2007
As a designer, sometimes it becomes a hassle to check your designs in all browsers. If you happen to be on your Windows machine, IE, Firefox and Opera are easy enough. For viewing in Safari, you have to fire up your Mac. That is until now.
Apple has done something to help those of you who don’t own a Mac, they have released Safari 3 for Windows. Although its still officially a beta, I found the installation ran smoothly as did the browser.
According to the Apple website:
“The world’s fastest web browser for Macs is now available for Windows PC’s. Safari 3, introduced at the World Wide Developers Conference in San Francisco, is the fastest browser running on Windows, based on the industry standard iBench tests, rendering web pages up to twice as fast as IE 7 and up to 1.6 times faster than Firefox 2. Safari joins iTunes in delivering Apple’s legendary user experience to both Windows and Mac users as well as full support of open Internet standards. Safari 3 features easy-to-manage bookmarks, effortless browsing with easy-to-organize tabs and a built-in RSS reader to quickly scan the latest news and information. Safari 3 public beta is available today as a free download at www.apple.com/safari.”
Download it here and give it a try. And don’t forget the plugins.
If you are on your Mac, well, you still have no way checking of IE. Not that you care, but you should since it still is the most used browser.
Now if Adobe would just allow you to install your one copy of CS on one Windows machine AND one Mac, life would be sweet.
Posted in CSS, Design, Graphics, Reviews | 4 Comments »