My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Category: xhtml

Drake Storm Studios Redux

July 3rd, 2006

Yes you read that correctly, after five years of complaints about the old crappy site, I finally had some time to work on the Drake Storm Studios site. Hope you like it. I’m sure there will be tweaks made here and there. Like most designers, I’m never quite satisfied. In case you don’t recall what the old one looked like here’s a comparison.
Old Design:

Drakestorm Studios Old Design

New Design:

Drakestorm Studios New Design

I think it’s way cleaner, not to mention, no tables. I used wordpress to make it easier for me to update, that way, it won’t go stale again. (I hope, LOL). Let me know what you think.