My family has been buying Mac's since I no longer do their Windows tech support. Now I'm Apple Tech support. Can't win.

Archive for April, 2007

The Amazing Rental Racer – Shelby GT-H Mustang

April 17th, 2007

130 MPH!!!
Video of 100 to 130

I was out of town this weekend and needed a rental car. I just couldn’t pass this up. Now, I’m not much of a Mustang fan, my parents have the GT, but I prefer the smoother ride, and the faster get up and go of my Vette over the GT. I punch the pedal, and I am moving.

This is exactly how the Shelby responds. It has a wicked growl, and only get deeper as you put the pedal down. I highly recommend it. My brother and I drove it on the freeways of Southern California, so if you saw a gold and black blur racing down the 10, 605, 405, 91 or 22 freeways (yeah, we were all over)….I plead temporary insanity, cause this car just wills you to go all out. You have been warned.

  • ENGINE 4.6-liter V-8
  • TRANSMISSION 5-speed automatic
  • POWER 325 hp
  • TORQUE 330 lb-ft
  • 0-60 MPH 5.1 seconds
  • TOP SPEED 147 mph (electronically limited)


By the way, my brother, Jer, is a madman in this thing. I don’t think he will be borrowing the Vette again any time soon. I know its just a rental, but damn, he was a man on a mission. He just had to hit 130 before we returned it. I suppose it was a good thing I didn’t tell him the top speed was 147 mph! He would have tried for that. 130 mph on the 10 fwy is not a good idea.

That’s a long swim, Google…

April 6th, 2007

Go to google maps, type in New York to London, read step 23.


(hat tip: John Oxton via twitter)